As allergy season blooms, make sure your sheets are your safe haven.
Follow these handy tips to help banish allergens, ensuring a sneeze-free & restful night’s sleep!
1. Frequent Washing: Wash your sheets at least once a week during hay fever season. This is to remove pollen & other allergens that may have settled on them.
2. Hot Water: Use hot water (at least 130°F or 54°C) to wash your sheets. High temperatures can effectively kill dust mites and break down pollen proteins.
3. Allergen-Proof Covers: Consider using allergen-proof covers for your pillows, mattress, and duvets to prevent allergens from penetrating these surfaces.
4. Hypoallergenic Detergent: Choose a hypoallergenic laundry detergent that is specifically designed to remove allergens, and is free of perfumes & dyes that can irritate sensitive skin.
5. Double Rinse: Run an extra rinse cycle to make sure that all detergent residues are thoroughly washed out of your sheets.
6. Line Drying: If possible, line dry your sheets in direct sunlight. The sun’s UV rays can help kill dust mites and break down allergens.
7. Avoid Overloading the Washer: To shove all our washing into the one load is tempting , but don’t cram too many sheets into the washing machine! Overloading can prevent proper cleaning and rinsing.
8. Regularly Vacuum and Dust: In addition to washing your sheets, make sure to vacuum and dust your bedroom regularly to minimise allergen buildup.
9. Change Pillowcases Often: Pillowcases are in direct contact with your face every night! Change them even more frequently than your sheets during hay fever season.
10. Store Sheets Properly: When not in use, store your clean sheets in a sealed container or plastic bag! This is to prevent them from collecting dust and pollen.
11. Consider Allergen Reducing Additives: Some laundry additives claim to reduce allergens. Check with your allergist or healthcare provider for recommendations on their effectiveness.
To further help you during those pesky allergy seasons, it’s recommended to start Ki Allergy & Hayfever Control Formula 7 weeks before allergen exposure to ensure best results to strengthen the immune function and help build your body’s resistance to the attack of allergens!
Shop Ki Allergy & Hayfever Control Formula Online, Available in 30 or 60 Tablets.
Always read the label and follow the directions for use.